Is Solar Energy Helping the Weed Industry

The weed industry is currently one of the fastest growing in today’s economy. As more states legalize weed, the demand for it continues to rise. But this rapid expansion also brings with it some problems. In particular, growing weed at large-scale grow operations requires vast amounts of electricity. Recognizing this, is solar power the answer to the weed industry’s energy needs?

High Demand For Energy


Most cannabis grow facilities can be separated into three major categories: indoorsoutdoors, and mixed light. Outdoor facilities require the least amount of energy. They require only limited amounts of electricity to function properly.

On the other hand, indoor facilities demand a much larger amount of energy, since they use 100 percent artificial light.

Indoor products are often higher quality and therefore demand a greater premium. Additionally, the products are more easily controlled, and growers can get much more product in an indoor grow.

With such a high demand for electricity, solar technology could be one reasonable way to offset the huge amount of electricity used by growers.

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